As God-made, incarnate beings, we all live in bodies.
And because we all live in bodies, we all have a body image.
Body image is how we see our bodies when we look in the mirror, or conceive of our bodies in our minds.
It is what we believe about our own appearance; how we feel about our bodies, including our height, shape, and weight; how we physically experience our bodies.
Beginning at a very young age, and continuing throughout our lives, many of us internalize messages that lead to either positive or negative body image.
Developing a positive, joyful body image—grounded in gratitude for the body as gift– is an important part of mental and spiritual well-being.
MILC and Soul Strong are excited to be joining forces to facilitate a two-part, interactive Zoom forum entitled Body Image: Seeing Ourselves Through God’s Eyes.
Inspired by the extraordinary stories of speakers Wendy Coates and Rita O’Link, participants will share and explore their own joys and struggles on the journey to body acceptance.
Tuesday, April 20th and 27th @ 6:30pm
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