Journeying Towards Reconciliation

A learning and networking gathering for United Churches across Greater Sudbury

Are you passionate about engaging in Indigenous justice initiatives in your congregation?

Do you want concrete, helpful resources?

Are you looking for connection and relationships to support you?

Join us for a simple dinner, conversation and exploration.

Wednesday, May 24th, 2023 @ 5:30pm

St. Peter’s United Church, 203 York Street, Sudbury

Hosted by the Manitou Intentional Learning Community

World Labyrinth Day 2023

Saturday, May 6, 2023 at 12:45 pm

Lourdes Grotto, 271 Van Horne St., Sudbury

Join the event hosted by MILC. We are meeting at the top of the hill at the labyrinth where there will be readings and songs, and then a “Walk as One at 1:00” with friends around the world. Refreshments will be served afterwards. Rain or shine!

Listening for the Spirit

Manitou Intentional Learning Community Presents
LISTENING FOR THE SPIRIT : Reflections on Lent and Easter scripture from an Indigenous perspective

with guest speaker

THE RT. REV. DR. CARMEN LANSDOWNE, Moderator, The United Church of Canada

Join us 29 March 2023 @ 6:30 pm on Zoom

Registration Fee — by Donation

Book Study: Queer Virtue

“Queer identity may be discerned in relative isolation, but it comes to life in community.”  Elizabeth M. Edman, Queer Virtue: What LGBTQ People Know About Life and Love and How It Can Revitalize Christianity

Join the Manitou Intentional Learning Community in a-three session study of the book Queer Virtue led by Peter Haddow, Canadian Shield Regional Council Affirm Team.

February 27th, March 6th and March 13th at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom.

Participants are cordially invited to make a donation (suggestion $10) by etransfer to [email protected].

Please note, the text is not available in Chapters stores. It can be purchased from Chapters online and from It is also available as an ebook. We recommend that you purchase the text promptly to be sure to get a copy on time.

More about the book:

Arguing from the heart of scripture, Edman reveals how queering Christianity—that is, disrupting simplistic ways of thinking about self and other—can illuminate contemporary Christian faith. Pushing well past the notion that “Christian love = tolerance,” Edman offers a bold alternative: he recognition that queer people can help Christians better understand their fundamental calling and the creation of sacred space where LGBTQ Christians are seen as gifts to the church.

Weekly readings:

Week One: February 27th Chapters 1-3

Week Two: March 6th Chapters 4-6

Week Three: March 13th Chapters 7-10

Rethink and Renew: Restarting anti-poverty initiatives in the Church

‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’  In Matthew 25:40, God call us to be of service to others and to end poverty in our communities.  The Covid-19 pandemic and resulting lockdown meant that many Church programs stopped running… and many did not start up again.  This could be a time to lament what we have lost but it is also an opportunity to start again and build even better projects.  Join MILC on February 6th for a panel discussion about anti-poverty work in our communities.  The panel presentations offer a chance to hear about Christian responsibility to work to end poverty, root causes of poverty in our communities and how Churches can get involved in practical projects.  This panel of speakers will help participants bring new life to projects to address poverty in our communities.

Panel speakers:

Rev. Glen Eagle, United Church of Canada

Rev. Pam Cullen, London Community Chaplaincy

Rev. Michael Blair, General Secretary, United Church of Canada

February 6th, 2023 @ 6:30pm via Zoom

Contact Gillian if you have any questions at [email protected].

Lenten Inspirations 2023

So, . . . it’s that time of the year again, . . .  time for Lenten planning. Join Rev. Stewart Walker and others for a time of reflection and discussion of the Lent and Easter lectionary readings and how we might frame the Easter message in this particular time. As is usual for this recurring Lenten event, we will look at the scriptures but we will also share how we do/did Lent, Holy Week and Easter in a time of uncertainty.

The Manitou Intentional Learning Community invites you to attend a workshop designed for all those who are responsible for preparing worship during Lent and Easter.

The event will take place via Zoom.

Date: Saturday, January 21st from 9:30 to noon.

For more information, contact Gillian at [email protected].

Birthing Hope: Women in the Christmas Story

Presenter: Sylvia Keesmaat

Wednesday, December 7, 2022 @ 7pm via Zoom


Please join MILC for a advent season workshop.  As Sylvia Keesmaat notes of the women in the Christmas story… some are named, some are hidden. Some are unexpectedly front and centre, others are obscure. This workshop will explore the women of the Christmas story, those seeking to birth hope in a world where the powerful seem to control the lives of women. 


Dr. Sylvia Keesmaat is a biblical scholar, activist and farmer.  She obtained her doctorate from Oxford University, studying with NT Wright, and has most recently taught as an Adjunct Professor of Biblical Studies at Trinity College, Toronto School of Theology, as well as for the Creation Care Studies program in Belize. 

Sylvia founded Bible Remixed in 2021 to help nurture a community of Jesus followers who are deeply rooted in the biblical story, and who are becoming a community of welcome, healing and nurture for those people and creatures who suffer most from the violence of our world. 

More information is available about her work at Bible Remixed.

MILC AGM — Encounters with Jesus: Different Points of View

The Manitou Intentional Learning Community invites you to our Annual General Meeting, followed by:

Encounters with Jesus: Different Points of View

Wednesday, November 9th, 2022 Via Zoom 6:30 to 8:00pm

Guest Speakers

Torrin Maag, Master’s Student, Atlantic School of Theology:

Neurodiversity in the Church

Jeffrey Dale, Minister, Justice and Faith Formation, Canadian Shield and Shining Waters Regional Councils:

 Faith Formation

Faye Moffatt, Church Musician and LLWL, Trinity United Church, Capreol:

 Music: One Step on our Journey to Becoming an Anti-racist Church

Advent in October: A workshop for all those leading worship during Advent

October, the time when all good worship leaders start planning for Advent and Christmas!

This workshop will provide opportunities for reflection and discussion of some of the Advent and Christmas lectionary readings and of ways in which we might frame the Advent message in these challenging times. There will be opportunities for group wide and small group work.

Leadership provided by Rev. Stewart Walker

Saturday, October 29th, 2022, 9:30am to noon via Zoom

More than Care for Creation: Responding as Church to the Ecological Crisis

with Rev. Dr. Jessica Hetherington

Following up on her first talk on “Discipleship in a Burning World: Christian Faith and Ecological Crisis,” this presentation will explore the ways in which the church, as a worshipping community, can explore its call to Earth healing. Questions such as the following will be explored: What does a collective discipleship of Earth healing look like? How can we support,encourage and challenge one another as a community in our discipleship? How can our commitment to Earth healing be reflected in all aspects of church life, including liturgy, Christian education, the sacraments, and more?

Wednesday, October 26th, 2022, 7:00 p.m. via Zoom

Presenter’s Bio:

The Rev. Dr. Jessica Hetherington, ecotheologian and ordained minister, is a preacher, speaker and teacher who inspires people of faith to transform their lives and actions in response to the ecological crisis. She holds a PhD in Theology from Saint Paul University in Ottawa, Canada, and serves in the United Church of Canada.