Labyrinth Walks for Pentecost

We were very excited that over 50 people joined the virtual labyrinth walk hosted by St. Peter’s and MILC to celebrate World Labyrinth Day at the beginning of May.

This Sunday is Pentecost, and we thought that while we are still physically apart and seeking ways to nurture our spirits, you might be interested in more labyrinth activities.

Here are three suggestions:

  • The following link takes you to a flame shaped labyrinth that you can print or “walk” on the screen and suggests prompts for you to use as you take your meditative walk.

  • Take out your finger labyrinth

If you don’t already have one, excellent instructions from Amy Hallman-Grout can be found at

“Walk” the labyrinth using the prompts from the previous link:

START As you move to the center of the flame, think about the word: Hope. What does it bring to mind? What do you think of?

IN THE CENTRE Pause and listen to God.  The Bible reminds us that the Holy Spirit can fill us with hope. (Romans 15:13). What do you need hope for today? Ask God to fill you up with hope.

ON THE WAY OUT As you trace your way back out the flame, think about someone who needs hope this week, and ask God to fill them with the Holy Spirit.

  • Walk your finger labyrinth to beautiful, meditative music:

Open the following link to listen to a wonderful Gregorian chant of Veni Creator Spiritus – Come Holy Ghost, the Maker, Come.

The words appear in English on the screen and can be used to focus your meditation.

The recording lasts for 3.28 minutes but can be set to loop if you would like your “walk” to be longer.

We hope you will try some of these activities and that you will find them a source of strength and comfort. We will be

We Belong to the Land

We Belong to the Land: A reflection on paths to a just peace and reconciliation in the Holy Land

 presented by James Walker, live online Friday, May 29th, 6:30 p.m.

Registration required. Contact [email protected]

In the summer of 2019, James Walker, a Master of Architecture student at Laurentian University and long- time member of the United Church of Canada, travelled to Palestine and Israel with 13 other pilgrims as part of the Youth for Peace Pilgrimage. While there, he travelled to many different holy sites and sacred spaces, spent time in occupied territories and refugee camps where he saw the effects of the Israeli occupation, and listened to the stories of citizens and of United Church partners. Through these experiences he gained a better understanding of the sociopolitical situation, developed insights into the issues impacting the Holy Land, and explored possibilities for the future.

Please join us as we find ways to stay connected and learn together while we must remain physically apart.