MILC Annual General Meeting 2019

Living the Dream:  Hope and Renewal in the Changing Church

With Rev. Peter Hartman

Wednesday, November 6th

St. Stephen’s on the Hill United Church, Lauzon Street, Sudbury.

The Manitou Intentional Learning Community was very excited to welcome Rev. Peter Hartman, Executive Minister for the Great Lakes Regional Council, as the guest speaker at our Annual General Meeting.

Town Hall Meeting 2:00 to 4:00

This was an opportunity for clergy, members of church and regional councils and everyone interested in the Great Lakes region to ask questions, to share insights and ideas and to find out more about how the new structures are working and what is being planned for the future. It was also a time for sharing and fellowship for members of local communities of faith.

Gathering for Youth 4:00 to 5:30

Youth and their leaders met for informal conversations with Peter to share their hopes and vision of church. Pizza supper was served.

Supper and Annual General Meeting 5:30 to 6:45

Everyone was invited to share fellowship over supper and to review what the Manitou Intentional Learning Community has been doing over the past year, to hear plans for the future, and to share ideas for new initiatives and learning opportunities.

Public Address 7:00 to 8:30

Peter’s topic was “Living the Dream: Hope and Renewal in the Changing Church”. He shared inspiring stories from across the region and spent time answering our questions about the new structure of the church.