Amplifying Voices On Turtle Island

Black Lives Matter-Sudbury, a Black led coalition of educators, students, activists, artists, and others working in solidarity with Indigenous communities, present their second annual Intersectional Caucus on Saturday, February 26th and Sunday, February 27th, 2022 starting at 12 PM EST. This free online conference titled “Amplifying voices on Turtle Island” will once again centre and uplift the voices of Black, Indigenous and people of colour (BIPOC) and 2SLGBTQ+ activists, leaders, educators, and change-makers from across Turtle Island. 

This event features a total of six culturally responsive panels and one key-note presentation — each followed by engaging Q&As with panelists. Audiences will be able to learn about the on-going journey towards dismantling oppressive systems of power, combating inequality, and imagining new futures for marginalized communities. 

Manitou Intentional Learning Community recognizes the importance of centring the voices of Black, Indigenous, and people of colour (BIPOC) in our learning and engagement in decolonization. Please consider joining our leadership team in attending “Amplifying Voices On Turtle Island.” Following the Intersectional Caucus, MILC will host an online “Coffee Talk” on Tuesday, March 1 at 6:30 pm. Join us in open conversation to share our discoveries, questions and learning: What did we learn? How can we integrate this learning into our lives as individuals, as members of faith communities and as Canadians? What more do we need to learn to become anti-racist and how can we best do this? 

Go to Amplifying Voices on Turtle Island, for more information and to register for the event.

Check out the promotional and social media material for “Amplifying Voices on Turtle Island” on their Facebook page.

Read more about the event from

Registration for MILC’s ‘Coffee Talk’ on Tuesday March 1 is now closed.